
Choice of Setting and Provider

Indicators Best State US Average
NH Residents with Low Care Needs Percentage of nursing home residents with low care needs (race/ethnicity data available) 3.4% 8.8%
LTSS Worker Wage Competitiveness LTSS direct service worker wage shortfall compared to other entry level jobs $1.56
PACE Enrollment Enrollment in Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), per 10,000 population, ages 55+ 27.5 6.5
Medicaid LTSS Balance: Spending Percentage of Medicaid LTSS spending going to HCBS for older people and adults with physical disabilities 83.2% 53.3%
Self-Directed Program Enrollment Number of people enrolled in a self-directed HCBS program per 1,000 population with disabilities 168.0 35.8
Assisted Living Supply Assisted living and residential care units per 1,000 population ages 75+ 138 55
Adult Day Services Supply Adult day services total licensed capacity per 10,000 population ages 65+ 154 54
Home Health Aide Supply Home health and personal care aides per 100 population with an Activity of Daily Living (ADL) disability, ages 18+ 55.7 24.8
Indicators No Credit Partial Credit Full Credit
CAPABLE Availability Availability of the Community Aging in Place – Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE) restorative services model plus state and local policies that facilitate access to CAPABLE 44 States 0 States 7 States
LTSS Worker Wage Pass-Through State policies that require Medicaid providers to allocate a certain dollar amount or percentage of the rate they are paid to LTSS worker wages 30 States 0 States 21 States
Green House® Availability Number of residents in Green House® communities plus state and local policies that facilitate Green House® development 41 States 0 States 10 States
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State Performance on Choice of Setting and Provider

In a high-performing LTSS system, a person-and family-centered approach allows for consumer choice and control of services (including self-directed models). A well-trained and adequately paid workforce is available to provide LTSS. Home and community-based services are widely available. Provider choice fosters equity, and consumers across communities have access to a range of culturally competent services and supports.


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