
Safety and Quality

Indicators Best State US Average
NH Staff Turnover State average turnover of nursing staff in nursing homes 39.3% 53.9%
NH COVID-19 Vaccinations: Staff Percentage of nursing home health care staff who are up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccination 44.8% 21.8%
NH COVID-19 Vaccinations: Residents Percentage of nursing home residents who are up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccination 76.8% 52.9%
NH Hospital Admissions Percentage of long-stay nursing home residents hospitalized within a six-month period (race/ethnicity data available) 11.8% 17.9%
NH Residents with Pressure Sores Percentage of high-risk nursing home residents with pressure sores (race/ethnicity data available) 7.1% 11.8%
NH Inappropriate Antipsychotic Use Percentage of nursing home residents who are inappropriately receiving an antipsychotic medication (race/ethnicity data available) 6.6% 10.3%
NH with Top Quality Ratings Percentage of nursing home residents living in a facility with a 5-star rating on Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Nursing Home Care Compare Quality Star ratings (race/ethnicity data available) 49.6% 16.0%
NH Staffing Levels Nursing home direct care staff hours per resident per day (race/ethnicity data available) 4.70 3.31
Home Health Hospital Admissions Percentage of home health patients with a hospital admission 12.1% 14.1%
Indicators No Credit Partial Credit Full Credit
State Emergency Management Plans State has an Enhanced State Hazard Mitigation Plan approved by FEMA and uses a social vulnerability index to help SHMP account for older adults and people with disabilities 42 States 0 States 9 States
HCBS Quality Benchmarking: NCI-AD™ HCBS quality cross-state benchmarking capability: Use of National Core Indicators - Aging/Disability survey for one or more HCBS programs 28 States 0 States 23 States
HCBS Quality Benchmarking: HCBS CAHPS® HCBS quality cross-state benchmarking capability: use of HCBS Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Services survey for one or more HCBS programs 41 States 0 States 10 States
HCBS Quality Benchmarking: NCQA HCBS quality cross-state benchmarking capability: National Committee for Quality Assurance Statewide Accreditation for one or more HCBS programs 39 States 0 States 12 States
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State Performance on Safety and Quality

In a high performing LTSS system, consumers are treated with respect and preferences are honored whenever possible, with services maximizing positive outcomes, including during and after care transitions. Residential facilities and HCBS settings are adequately staffed and prepared for emergencies. Policy-, system-, and practice-level efforts reduce and/or prevent disparities in quality and outcomes.


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