HCBS Quality Benchmarking: NCI-AD™
The NCI-AD™ survey was developed to gather information about the experiences of participants in HCBS programs for older adults and people with physical disabilities. It is part of a larger NCI program that offers standardized survey instruments for use with people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, people with other disabilities, and family caregivers. NCI-AD is available to states for use on a voluntary basis through a partnership between ADvancing States and Human Services Research Institute. For this reporting period, 23 states use the NCI-AD survey for one or more HCBS programs, three fewer than reported in the 2020 Scorecard.
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This indicator credits states that are identified as current participants by the National Core Indicators – Aging/Disability (NCI-AD) project, for fielding a survey for one or more LTSS programs in the state.
NCI-AD (ADVancing States): https://nci-ad.org/states/ and https://nci-ad.org/resources/reports/